- 時序入春,生意盎意如荷苞待放,
沏壺新茗,一入口,便是奼紫嫣紅開遍。春 - 暗香流動溪壑松風處,隨心所至, 擇茗而品,與天地同化為一方清涼。夏
- 金風落盡群芳,黃花深院獨鎖清秋,
唯盼以一席流香,回憶當時人家。秋 - 晚來欲雪,生爐煮茶,
Taking tea as a pen, the paragraph mentions ancient to modern .
Take the tea mat as an instrument , to play a song which is meaningful .
Loving Butterfly
Hydrangeas anddancing butterflies in the corner , it brings me the peaceful moment .
Tea steam ascends slowlyto the blue and pure sky .
candles and draperies, luxurious and gorgeous .
the memory reflections ,
people see each other in the brown-color tea soup reflection again .
During tea feasts, return us to the childhood .
To connect with your inner child, it makes out infinity and creative tea .